Welcome! So glad you dropped by! We'd like to tell you about how the EMS side of Adell Fire department got started, who we are, and how you could be a vital asset to our unit.
Who are the First Responders?
The Adell First Responders were formed in 1985 to serve the village and surrounding are with preambulance emergency medical care. Today we serve the villages of Adell, Waldo,and Hingham as well as portions of the towns of Sherman, Holland, Lima, and Lyndon. The first responders were formed to be the first medically trained personnel on scene and decrease the amountĀ of time between when 911 is dialed and an ambulance arrives on scene. Not only do the first responders provide pre-ambulance EMS care, but they also work alongside the ambulance and paramedic unitsĀ in the county to assist them in their care of patients.
How to Join!
To be a member of our unit, you are required to take an Emergency Medical Responder course, a 72 hour training course that gives the skills needed to practice EMS care on our unit. EMR's also must re-certify every two years with a refresher course to keep our skills up to date and keep us proficient on some of those kills that aren't practice as often. This training allows EMR's to provide life-sacing care. Since we initially began our scope of practice has continued to broaden every few years adding to our skill set and furthering our ability to care for people before the ambulance arrives.
How to contact us
Meeting: Every third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm
Phone: 920-838-4326
Email: afr811@adelfd.com